Living Colour’s Hit Single “Cult of Personality” Was Played in the Series Finale of “The Walking Dead” 

Last night (November, 21st 2022) was the series finale of The Walking Dead on AMC. Based on the comics and graphic novels from Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore (later Charlie Alard), the series ended after eleven years. In a pivotal scene in the episode, the survivors drop the needle of Living Colour’s 1980s Shredding Metal classic “Cult of Personality!” Bits of the song can be heard over the sequence which was a great blast from the past. The video was a staple of MTV during regular rotation in 1988- 89 and has 62 million plus views on YouTube.  Also, heard in the episode was Fleetwood Mac’s “Landslide!”  The series has often used rock and metal music, notably Motorhead a few years back. 

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