Plans For a Statue of Lemmy of Motörhead in His Hometown of Burslem, UK Are Approved and Moving Forward

Initially started with idea from a die-hard fan, a 3 meters (Editor’s note: 8+ feet for you non-metric system using readers) statute in the likeness of Metal legend Lemmy of  Motörhead, by renowned sculptor Andy Edwards will proceed with the blessing of the town of Burslem, UK. Although Lemmy, who passed away in late 2015 ,lived for the last 45 years of his life in Hollywood, the statue will be erected at Burslem’s Market Place, near Lemmy’s birthplace. Andy Edwards has created countless commissions, including The Beatles statue on Liverpool’s Pier Head, and will use real clay from Burslem town to make the statue. The concerns centered around “good-natured but potentially incident-generating attention.” To combat those challenges, and possible defacement other statues have suffered, the artist has agreed to raise the statue’s plinth from 2.5 meters to 3 meters, ensuring a more respectful and secure placement. This will be the third monument in the world to lemmy following the bronze statue at The Rainbow Bar and Grill in Los Angeles, Lemmy’s favorite hangout, and Clisson, France at Hellfest in 2022. Donate to the GoFundMe, launched with a goal of raising £50,000, and check out the artists’ conception video below. Continue reading