The Soundgarden documentary that was previously announced will officially begin production. Film director Sam Dunn and Banger Films has issued the following statement:
Greetings Bangers…
Yes, the rumours are true and we are excited to officially announce our next documentary: Soundgarden!
Next year, we start production on the first-ever feature doc on one of American’s biggest hard rock bands. We first met Soundgarden while working on the Grunge episode of our series Metal Evolution but this time we’ll be digging deep into their history and comeback for a full-length film. And we need help from Soundgarden fans in our search for great archival material to tell their story:
If you have rare Soundgarden material – personal photos, bootleg audio or video, concert posters, etc. – we want to hear from you. Please send a description of what you’ve got to info at Banger Films with the subject “Soundgarden Fan Submission.”