Sepultura to Release SepulQuarta Series into a New Album with Guests

Sepultura launched their “SepulQuarta’ weekly series of covers collaborations with guests from across music at the start of the pandemic. They also featured history lessons about the band and question-and-answer sessions with the fans. Now the band will release a full-length album in 2021, including jams with members of Megadeth, Testament, Anthrax, System Of A Down, Trivium, and Sacred Reich.



“We started it on April 22nd — [that] was [when we did] the first one — and we did every week for many months, and then we [did] it every 15 days, and then we changed the [day of the week when we uploaded new episodes]. And it was an amazing experience. 28 songs we played. It was more than a three-hour concert. It was amazing. Really.”


According to Kisser, the “SepulQuarta” album will be unlike anything that SEPULTURA has ever released before.

“I think it’s really exciting, because it’s very unique,” he said. “Of course, we’re gonna remix the sound and everything, make it the best that we can, but the versions are there. This is something [made] possible only because of the quarantine situation, of the lockdown. Imagine we’re doing an album like that in normal circumstances; it would be impossible.


“And the great thing about that [is that] everybody was so excited to be a part of it and really happy to play SEPULTURA stuff,” he added. “We [played with] people that influenced SEPULTURA; we had bands that were influenced by SEPULTURA, we had Brazilian artists; pop artists, metal artists. The version of ‘Ratamahatta’ was so unique, so different. And we didn’t see any limitations. We used two drums [on some songs], we used two basses on songs, three guitars and two vocals — not any limitations — and we managed to [make it] work.”