Refused/Fake Names/INVSN/International Noise Conspiracy vocalist and Swedish Hardcore legend Dennis Lyxzén suffered a massive heart attack earlier today (June 13th, 2024). He is currently recovering in the hospital, and is expected to make a full recovery. He shared a positive message with fans on Instagram earlier. Known for his great vocals, political lyrics, and wild showmanship on stage, we wish Dennis a speedy recovery!
“So this morning I had a massive heart attack at my hotel room. It’s was extremely painful and wildly scary. Thanks the the wonderful doctors and nurses at the Uppsala hospital. I’m still around to fight another day. Under the circumstances I feel ok. Sore and tired and really shook up.
“I real really hate cancelling show but the doctor said no rock for a couple of weeks. Which means that the @refused show at @rosendalgardenparty is not happening. A complete bummer as I was really looking forward to it. But hopefully I/we will be able to make up to you soon.
“The good news is that with medication I can get back to my rocking self hopefully sooner than later. Life is weird and precious. Take care of each and tell your loved ones that you love them.”