Rough news as Pussy Riot member Pyotr Verzilov has been hospitalized and kept in critical condition after falling ill in Moscow this week, as detailed in a post below. The band has publicly theorized that Pyotr was poisoned. Veronika Nikulshina, Verzilov’s partner and fellow member in the group, told the Meduza news agency that Verzilov had begun to feel unwell following a court hearing on Tuesday and was later hospitalized in critical condition. Two hours after arriving home, “between eight and ten” that evening, Nikulshina said, “his condition got exponentially worse. First, it was his vision, then his ability to speak, and then his ability to walk.” As of now, he is expected to pull through, but no word on whether the band will still perform at this weekend’s Riot Fest. A U.S. spokesperson for the group told NPR that he didn’t take anything,’ ” Nikulshina said Wednesday, according to the Meduza news agency. “He was getting worse even faster, and then he started convulsing. On the way [to the hospital], in the ambulance, he was already babbling.”