MY FAVOURITE CONCERT MEMORY: Creature discusses Slipknot, Bon Iver, Radiohead, Deftones and More

Creature just released their brand new EP Hound, their second release in 2019 following their brutal Hex EP. The band will kick off a mini-tour of the UK in a few weeks. The band checked in with some of their favorite concert memories for our readers!

Tom Bradshaw, drums:

My favourite show of all time was Bon Iver at Usher Hall, Edinburgh in 2011. Mind-blowingly stunning. This is closely followed by Radiohead’s headline set at Leeds in 2009 – but within the heavy sphere, it would undoubtedly be Deftones at Manchester Academy in 2006 when I was 17. Chino was on fire that night, and as soon as they opened with Hexagram the sound engulfed the entire crowd and his vocals soared supreme.

As a drummer, I’m a huge Abe Cunningham fan and to witness his power and precision live for the first time was really inspiring – particularly as he maintained his levels for the 14 song set and six-song encore! In terms of set highlights, Knife Party was out of this world. There is no band like Deftones and every time I have seen them since they have been just as good.”

Dan Willett, bass:

“It’s tough to pick out a favourite, as I have several shortlisted I can think of when I was a kid. Raging Speedhorn at Wolves Wulfrun Hall in 2002, causing wall-to-wall carnage for the entire time they were on stage Beecher and Misstress at Birmingham Bar Academy, 2004, working the room into such a frenzy that the PA system nearly came down on top of the front row; Greg from The Dillinger Escape Plan at Birmingham Academy 2 in 2008 hanging upside down from the rigging above the crowd and swinging his mic down to the screaming mob below him; SikTh every single time I’ve seen them, just for being SikTh.

However, one special set I’ll always remember more than any other is Lamb of God at Download 2005. We were all pretty drunk and exhausted by that point in the weekend, so our group was just hanging out at the back of the packed-out tent for a chilled one. My girlfriend had other ideas though, and the moment the band kicked off she grabbed my hand and went charging headlong through the entire crowd at top speed, dragging about 300 hardcore kids out of her way until we got right to the front. I am not a dude of confrontations, so I just did my best to keep up and not get killed, then spent the rest of the set thinking about how one day I was going to marry this crazy badass girl – and I did!”

James Thompson, vocals/guitar:

“The first show that made me think “holy shit”, had to be Marilyn Manson on his Antichrist Superstar tour back in 1997. He performed on stilts, screamed from a podium with blood snow from the ceiling, knocked out a drum tech by booting drums into his face, cut himself with a bottle, passed out, got taken off stage and then brought back on some time later. Was a killer show and made me appreciate how chaotic a stage show could be.

Another notable highlight was Slipknot’s first tour in the UK where the nutter DJ (Sid) did a backflip off the 20ft balcony into the crowd. Pretty much all my favourite local shows happened weekly at the Void in Worcester, a local venue run by Lockjaw Records in the late nineties. I feel lucky to have seen some of the UK’s best legendary hardcore, metal and everything in between bands: Tribute To Nothing, Decimate, Stampin Ground and Raging Speedhorn just to name a few. Sweat would drip from the ceiling due to the number of heads in the room and kids would dive off the PA speaker stacks into the pit. Absolute carnage!”

Tour dates:

1 November – Glasgow, The 13th Note

2 November – Manchester, Satan’s Hollow

3 November – London, Old Blue Last

6 November – Nottingham, The Chameleon

7 November – Bristol, The Gryphon

8 November – Cardiff, 10 Feet Tall

9 November – Birmingham, The Flapper (EP Launch)

You can get tickets for all shows here (

Cold Man’s World Video:

You can now order the EP here (,