Judas Priestess to Join John Petrucci Live Event in Times Square


The World’s only all-female tribute to the “Metal Gods,” Judas Priestess, is set to join John Petrucci at a live event in Times Square, NYC, celebrating the Dream Theater guitarist’s new collaboration with Iron Smoke Distillery. Find more details in the article below.

The show, titled Rock The Barrel, kicks off at 7PM, December 08th, at the Hard Rock Cafe (1501 Broadway). It includes a tasting of the new whiskey bourbon, a signing, Q + A and the Judas Priestess concert. The event is free admission, so get there early. In 2022, Judas Priestess vocalist, Militia Vox, made HERstory by being the only tribute singer to have a duet with the person they’ve tributed. Militia Vox joined the metal god Rob Halford in a powerful duet by supergroup Bad Penny called “Push Comes To Shove.”  

Militia Vox and Judas Priestess are also mentioned by Rob Halford in his latest book Biblical, calling the band “Brilliant.” Judas Priestess will be releasing music and announcing more tour dates in 2024.

For more info about the 12/8 event, go to: https://www.hardrockcafe.com/location/new-york/event-calendar.aspx?date=12/8/2023&display=event&eventid=2169025