Ihsahn, Psychonaut, A Burial At Sea, and BEAR Booked for Pelagic Fest 2025

Following the success of Pelagic Fest 2024, Berlin’s Pelagic Records – which also just celebrated 15 years – have announced that Pelagic Fest 2025 will take place next year, August 23rd-24th, at the purpose-built Muziekgieterij in Maastricht, NL. Already announced for next year are Ihsahn, Psychonaut, A Burial At Sea, and BEAR, with more Pelagic acts still to be announced, from label legends to brand new signees. Keep reading below for more.

Get early bird tickets for Pelagic Fest ‘25 here: https://muziekgieterij.stager.co/Pelagic-Fest/tickets

Robin Staps, Founder Pelagic Records:
We’re still high from an equally exhausting and exhilarating weekend of great music in a wonderful location. The vibes were on and off stage were absolutely amazing, and despite the cancellation of headliner Ihsahn on show day due to unforeseen airlines trikes, which would be nightmare for most festivals, nobody complained. It was beautiful to see even the first bands play to a full room, which further supports our impression: that the Pelagic crowd really cares about all the bands playing, not just the headliners.

Founded in 2009 by post-metal spearheads The Ocean and their Berlin collective, Pelagic Records have gone on to become one of the most important voices in post-rock, post-metal and progressive / left-field heavy music working with the likes of MONO, Årabrot, Sugar Horse, Year of No Light, Bruit to name just a few. With the recent success of the special, 15th anniversary edition of Pelagic Fest, the label are keen to establish Pelagic Fest as an annual event; a regular opportunity to remove barriers and bring their artists & fans together for a true celebration of their music in its new home in the heart of the border triangle of Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands; the perfect focal point for the label, its international roster and their loyal fans from all around the world.

For fans unable to make it to Maastricht for this year’s festival, all the performances from Pelagic Fest ‘24 were live streamed for free and are now available to watch on the label’s YouTube channel here: https://youtube.com/@pelagicrecords?si=qQjEfQ3dOrCG5ap1

Announced artists:
A Burial At Sea

Check out our recent interview with Ihsahn: