GWAR Books First European Dates in 10 Years: Support to Come from Voivod

GWAR has not done a proper tour of Europe in almost a decade, but htat will change when they bring their amazing show to Europe this fall! Direct support to come from Voivod. All tickets will be available for purchase at the link below. Pre-sales begin today and the general public on-sale is set for August 16th, 9:00am GMT.

Pre-sale link:  at

GWAR “Use Your Collusion” Europe & UK 2019 Tour:

Nov. 22: Bochum, DE @ Matrix*

Nov. 23: Vaureal, FR @ Le Forum*

Nov. 24: Mannheim, DE @ MS Connexion*

Nov. 26: Cologne, DE @ Live Music Hall

Nov. 27: Kortrijk, BE @ De Kruen

Nov. 28: Tilburg, NL @ 013 KZ

Nov. 30: Manchester, UK @ Club Academy

Dec.1: Glasgow, UK @ The Garage

Dec. 2: Wolverhampton, UK @ Steel Mill

Dec. 3: Newcastle, UK @ Riverside

Dec. 4: London, UK @ Islington Academy

Dec. 5: Antwerp, BE @ Zappa

Dec. 6: Bremen, DE @ Schlachthof

Dec. 7: Copenhagen, DK @ Pumpehuset

Dec. 8: Berlin, DE @ Festsaal Kreuzberg

Dec. 9: Prague, CZ @ Meet Factory

Dec. 10: Ziln, CZ @ Masters of Rock Cafe

Dec. 11: Graz, AT @ Explosvi

Dec. 12: Ljubljana, SI @ Kino Siska

Dec. 13: Pinarella di Cervia, ITL @ Rock Planet

Dec. 14: Zurich, @ Komplex

VOIVOD Main Support All Dates

*- Downcast Collision (from…The Netherlands) opens Nov. 22-24

– Childrain (from…Basque Country) opens Nov. 26- Dec.14

GWAR is:

The Berserker Blóthar: Lead Howler

Beefcake the Mighty: Bass Guitar, Vocals

Pustulus Maximus: Lead Guitar, Vocals

BälSäc the Jaws ‘o Death: Rhythm Guitar, Vocals

JiZMak da Gusha: Drums

Bonesnapper: Bodyguard, Crappy Vocals

Sawborg Destructo: Annoying Nemesis, Annoying Vocals


Follow GWAR or be destroyed!