GUEST POST: Top 10 Of 2017 From Coilguns

Ghost Cult brings you more “End Of Year” lists, memories, and other shenanigans from our favorite bands, partners, music industry peers, and other folks we respect across the world. In this post, we get a Top 10 Albums Of 2017 list from Coilguns.

Lana Del Rey Lust for Life

I have to publicly admit that I am a HUGE fan and that I enjoy everything she’s put out since « Born To Die ». My favorite album still is « Honeymoon » and though the songs featuring guests on « Lust for Life » aren’t my favorite, the album still made it to my top 10 because…it did..


Queens Of The Stone AgeVillains

Going with Mark Ronson as a producer was a daring decision and no matter if you like it or not it paid off. This record nothing like they’ve done so far and def. an album to shake your booty to. They are, to me, the kings of porn rock and anything they release is gold.


Autisti – Louis Jucker L’altro Mondo

Coilguns singer Louis Jucker’s solo work is outstanding. This year he released a five Lp’s boxset, five albums, each one of them being a different band always featuring Louis. « Autisti » is a pure 90’s rock revival, naïve, full of hope and beautiful. This will send you back to high school and put butterflies in your stomach.


Myrkur Mareridt

« Mausoleum » is the record that got me into Myrkur. I like the songs on « M » but couldn’t bear the production of it. « Mareridt » sounds very dirty and organic yet very well produced and despite a couple of parts a bit too « epic » for me, it’s been on my turntable constantly since it’s release.


Chelsea WolfeHiss Spun

I can’t say that « Hiss Spun » is as striking as « Abyss » was when it came out. I really like the fact that despite their success, the band still decided to go darker and more extreme. They could have easily gone a tad smoother, maybe go with a cleaner production and instead of they did an album with Kurt Balou. Genius.


Sbire VA#1 

Sbire is a new electro label based in Switzerland. Though I’m not specialized in electronic music, their first release – a four tracks compilation – seems to be a lesson of what tasty minimal-avant-garde-techno should be. Favorite track is « Larson » by GDLM.


Converge The Dusk In Us

This is one of the great surprises of 2017. I’ve only spun it a couple of times and I haven’t felt so excited about a Converge record since « You Fail Me ». I’m still a bit confused about it. It sounds like they came back to their earlier material but manage to sound fresh. When I listened to The Dusk in Us, I hear a bunch of angry 20 years old playing fast and heavy music with a strong message. YES!


Unfold Banshee O Beast 

This is one underrated band. Hailing from Switzerland they formed in 1995 and back in 2000 released their first album « Pure » produced by Daniel Bergstrand. These guys were already killing it at playing post-metal-thing 18 years ago…This is what we grew up to as teenagers. This new album features more synth and is evil as fuck. Low-tuning, simple riffs and harsh vocals from the bottom of hell.


Hollywoodfun DownstairsTetris

This band from New-Zealand is one of the most intense band I’ve seen live. « Tetris » is a collection of terrifying noise-rock songs refusing to be actual noise-rock. As much as they are affiliated to this scene, the now two-piece can be as fast, as dark and as violent as any bands suppositely playing extreme music.



Aurora All My Demons Greeting Me as a Friend

I’m throwing in this release from 2016 that I only discovered recently. Despite my heavy-guitar based background I’m big time into female vocals and huge pop productions. I cannot get enough of this record since a few months. Even if a few tracks might be a bit cheesy, I think the overall vibe is pretty dark and she is genuinely one of a kind.