EXCLUSIVE STREAM: Melted Bodies – “Funny Commercials and The Five Week Migraine”

Ghost Cult is proud to bring you the weird and wonderful tones of Melted Bodies (ex-Local Natives) and their new song  “Funny Commercials and the Five Week Migraine”! Like a Dali painting come to life, you – on good acid, and talking to yourself about artisanal soup recipes, the music is surreal and unpredictable. The band also can be described as  “Tim and Eric Awesome Show” mixed with Mr. Bungle, Devo and HEALTH. Their new album Enjoy Yourself releases on Sweatband Records on September 18th. Check out “Funny Commercials and the Five Week Migraine” right now.




We did a brief Q & A with the band over email to get a little more backstory:

Let’s hear about “Funny Commercials and the Five Hour Migraine” and where did that come from? 

– It’s a song about dealing with Insurance companies. The industry has purposefully become so confusing and profit-driven that the only way it seems they can compete for our business is by feeding us funny commercials that have absolutely nothing to do with insurance. The Five-Week Migraine I dealt with following an auto accident I was in a few years back.  I quickly learned in great detail that auto insurance claims have nothing to do with telling the truth, unfortunately. They are about who can tell the best story and afford the most annoying lawyer. It’s nauseating to think about, especially when realizing that oftentimes it’s people’s livelihoods and health that are at stake.  


“Club Anxious” is legit wonderful. Do you think you missed your calling and is this song and video a pathway to a second career in ASMR work? 

– Some of us in the band are heavily into ASMR, but would never want it to become work. You won’t find us professionally peddling tingles and naps.


How would you describe your music to someone who has never heard it before? 

-I’m still learning how to do that, but we do get a lot of great descriptions from fans. My current favorite is “It’s like if Jello Biafra and Devo were thrown into a blender with a couple of shotguns”. 


What is “Meat Cleanse” about, and do I need one? 

– Meat Cleanse is generally about obsessions with overindulgence. Eating red meat, in particular, is such a good example because it has become so abundantly mass-produced and destructive that it should probably be put into a new separate food group. We are force-fed so much quick fix meat that I think a lot of us have forgotten how to enjoy anything in moderation. To be clear, it’s not an “anti eating meat” message, but when Americans can buy two Whoppers for less than the cost of one avocado something has gone terribly wrong. 


I work in Marketing and I feel personally attacked by “Ad People”. Also, it’s 100% accurate. What was your inspiration for the song?

– All of us have experience working in the Entertainment/Marketing/Advertising industries so it comes from a first-person narrative. If a person can’t vent they will eventually implode. 


How do you manage to match your visuals in your videos to your music? 

– If you work in marketing, then you know how much stock footage there is in the world. Somebody is shooting a scene because they know from elsewhere (an ad, a film, a social video) that they might need to –– and so on and so forth, until there’s a big large repository of things shot with various skills and creative visions. That footage generally is a perfect representation of what we were striving to make or commenting on anyway.


Enjoy Yourself Tracklisting:

  1. Eat Cops
  2. 99 Scents
  3. Ad People
  4. Funny Commercials and The Five Week Migraine
  5. Club Anxious
  6. Phone Tumor
  7. The Abbot Kinney Pedophiles
  8. The Rat
  9. Helplessness
  10. Meat Cleanse


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