Modern metal duo Behind The Horror has shared their new single and a visualizer – “ “Outland” today at Ghost Cult. Founded by brothers Gabriel Alves – (Guitar/Vocal) and Lucas Alves – (Drums), the new song comes from their forthcoming full-length album, due out August 8th, 2020. This is the first new music since their debut EP …And The Horror Begins, released in 2019. Born in Brazil, but based in New Jersey, Behind The Horror is going to find fans of classic thrash, progressive metal, and more! Check out “Burn Up This Truth” now!
Gabriel Alves commented:
A lot of our songs are conceived from long jam sessions, blasting out riffs, mashing them together and making them around until they fit. The inspiration for the Lyrics is a bit cliche but it was what I was living at that moment. Outland talks about a broken heart. When you have something, you don’t realize the value of it and you only get to know that when you have lost it, you discover how important that thing was, and you realize that You Are Not Prepared. Also cross-inspired by the phrase from Illidan Stormrage in the Iconic game, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade – You Are Not Prepared.
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