Let’s just face facts, the past year has been grueling. The pandemic affected the human race tremendously, changing life on earth. Musicians, of all genres, have started to release music they made during the shutdown of everything everywhere, and most of it echoes the angst of being on lockdown. Enter Wednesday 13’s newest release, Necrophaze, Antidote (Nuclear Blast). Although the songs were recorded during the recording of Necrophaze (Nuclear Blast), the four tracks were a welcome reprieve from the current melancholy atmosphere of the music industry.
Some bands can pull off doing covers of immortally love songs, others cannot. The previously released cover of’ INXS’ Devil Inside’ and Gary Numan’s Films’ are proof positive that “The Duke of Spook” and musical cohorts are a can-do band. ‘Screwdriver,’ one of the two previously released tracks, is gritty and chaotic. The heavy-handed guitar hook and the furiously aggressive drumming by Kyle Castronovo invokes a “get in the pit” feel. The other not previously released track, ‘Your Mother Still Sucks Cocks In Hell, is, dare I say, a ghoulishly giddy evil frolic. Once again the drummer expertly sets the tone for this song with his double kick drum mastery. The chorus delivers a tasty rock and roll guitar hook and the bridge serves up a modernized R&B guitar solo that even Chuck Berry would approve of. Do not get it twisted, this track is s 100% Wednesday 13 style. Yes, the lyrics are explicit and may rub some conservative people the wrong way, but the composition as a whole is just fun.
The EP in its entirety just oozes deliciously evil musical goodness. This release will garner attention and lure in many new fans and titillate lifelong fans.
Buy and stream the EP here: https://wednesday13.bfan.link/necrophaze-antidote
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