Enslaved ended their 25th Anniversary celebration with a massive New York By Norse event here in December, and they’ve already teased big plans for 2017. In their latest Facebook update, the band said this: “HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM ENSLAVED! Like the sun has turned from increasing absence, to -presence; it is time to shift the focus for Enslaved. From the first 25 years; to the next… who-knows-how-many-years ahead there is. I would like to thank all of you working with us, and all the fans, for taking the time and effort to celebrate with us throughout 2016. There is the last two 25 shirts coming shortly, but besides that – the whole “Enslaved 25” is now done. The last news before the holidays (go read your holy books if you want a capital “h”) were news of line-up change; goodbyes, thanks and vague explanations had been handed out – and that’s always for the best: it is about the music, not the faces. Well, like with the presents under the tree, that’s all done with. Past. Logistics. Onwards. There will be some news on the “next move” very soon, stay tuned. I, for one, am experiencing one of my most inspired periods as a composer, lyricist and musician. There is simply so much going on, and the whole of 2016 has been one giant source of inspiration. If 2016 seemed busy and productive, 2017 will make 2016 seem like “Summer Camp-the Valium Edition.” What I would like to do, is honour the people that is staying. There is such an amazing (in the true sense of the word) job being done “behind the scenes”; every day, all the time. Our management is working non-stop; Simon, Melanie and Luis (AISA) – you will be rewarded in.. ehh Valhalla!? Then there is the live crew; Vegard/ Gary (sound), Jaz (lights), Bryan & Bryan (techs), Vikky (TM & merch). Our co-producer Iver Sandøy, the graphic geniuses Costin Chioreanu, Trine & Kim, Jannicke Wiese Hansen, Truls Espedal, and phenomenal booking agents Ragnar Vikse, Haydn Britland and Nick Storch shouldn’t be forgotten either. Then there’s our labels Nuclear Blast and By Norse Music. And in the eye of the storm; our wives, girlfriends, families and friends making this whole adventure possible. We are forever grateful. Have a great new year, thank you for your never ending support. Stay tuned for more info very soon! Spoiler alert: it involves a new album.”
Did you read that last sentence carefully? More info very soon on a new album!
HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!