Legendary Progressive Metal band Enslaved has been honored with 12-part documentary series on Norwegian television and on Youtube. The series is named Heimvegen (The Way Home) and all episodes are subtitled into English. The first five episodes are live now and new episodes will run every Saturday. The documentary offers a detailed insight into the history of the band, following Ivar Bjørnson and Grutle Kjellson as they guide us through the journey of Enslaved’s formative years. Check out some classic and current photos from the band. Their new album Utgard is out now via Nuclear Blast/By Norse Records.
Five episodes are available to watch online now, with more to follow every Saturday.
Episode 1: https://youtu.be/mIGlN57sXqI
Episode 2: https://youtu.be/ffrWU3UVeVg
Episode 3: https://youtu.be/1oXi2uK9zI4
Episode 4: https://youtu.be/LO7Ia6ty1FI
Episode 5: https://youtu.be/0YxypaShOfs
Grutle Kjellson commented, “Doing the documentary for TV Haugaland has turned out to be one of the biggest, positive surprises in our career. It pretty much came out of the blue as well; we were asked early in the summer of 2020, and we were like “oh ok, a local tv network wants to have a little chat, why not?”. That it has ended up as a 12 part documentary was far beyond all of us involved could imagine, and such a great surprise!! Director Dag Olav Husås has really outdone a hell of lot of productions made by a lot bigger networks around the globe in my opinion. He has somehow made us re-discover ourselves, our roots, and going down this memory lane had been an utter pleasure. I hope not just our fans, but also new acquaintances will appreciate watching this as much as we did making it.”
Showing the documentary crew where we took the band shots for ‘Hordanes Land’
Phobia on our first trip outside Bergen; to support Cadaver at Garage
Ivar – 12 and on my first tour (two shows but I thought it was a tour!)
Enslaved recently announced a celebratory Winter Solstice streaming event for Saturday 19th December via the Revolver Magazine Facebook page, which will be followed by a live Q&A with some band members. The event will be repeated the next day Sunday 20th December on the Enslaved YouTube channel.
The digital event will feature all three parts of Enslaved’s recent Cinematic Summer Tour, the revered filmed performances titled; ‘Chronicles of the Northbound’, ‘Below the Lights’ and ‘Utgard the Journey Within’. The events are also collaborations with respected European festivals Roadburn, Beyond The Gates and Summer Breeze.
Stream the Winter Solstice event here: https://facebook.com/revolvermag
*Saturday 19th December @ 12PM PT / 3PM ET / 9PM CET
Tune into the live band Q&A here: https://facebook.com/revolvermag
*Saturday 19th December @ 2.30PM PT / 5.30PM ET / 11.30PM CET
Watch the Winter Solstice repeat here: Enslaved YouTube Channel
*Sunday 20th December @ 11AM PT / 2PM ET / 8PM CET
Order Enslaved’s new album Utgard here: https://www.nuclearblast.com/Enslaved-utgard
Watch ‘Urjotun’ here: https://youtu.be/pXzRjf7OMek
Watch ‘Jettegryta’ here: https://youtu.be/xkEXIpym5E0
Watch first single ‘Homebound’ here: https://youtu.be/92ptxt1FQiU
Enslaved is:
Ivar Bjørnson | guitars
Grutle Kjellson | vocals
Arve ‘Ice Dale’ Isdal | guitar
Håkon Vinje | keyboards, clean vocals
Iver Sandøy | drums
Enslaved online: