CONCERT REVIEW: Amon Amarth – Cannibal Corpse – Obituary – Frozen Soul Live at The Oakdale Theatre

The Viking metal titans, Amon Amarth, descended upon the Toyota Oakdale Theatre last night, delivering an epic metal extravaganza for the Metal Crushes All Tour 2024 Tour.  The powerhouse lineup for the night included death metal titans Cannibal Corpse and Obituary, alongside new-school death metal leaders Frozen Soul. The atmosphere was electric, with fans eagerly anticipating a night filled with relentless riffs, growling vocals, and anthemic metal. 

Kicking off the evening, Frozen Soul set the stage with a chilling performance that immediately captured the audience’s attention. Their set was an assault,of guttural vocals and pummeling riffs. Despite their relatively recent emergence, Frozen Soul commanded the stage with a seasoned presence.  Tracks like “Crypt of Ice” and “Glacial Domination” showcased their brutal sound and intense stage presence, proving why they are a rising force in the death metal scene.

Following Frozen Soul, the legendary Obituary took the stage, bringing with them decades of death metal mastery. Their setlist, a blend of newer material from the last twetny years of the catalog that was a relentless assault on the senses. Songs like “Slow Death” and “Dying of Everything” highlighted the band’s signature groove-laden sound. Vocalist John Tardy’s distinctive growls and the band’s crushing rhythms were a reminder of why Obituary remains a cornerstone of the death metal scene.

Cannibal Corpse took the stage next, unleashing a no frills barrage of brutality that was just relentless.  Their set was a sonic onslaught that covered several albums with fan-favorites like “Evisceration Plague” and “Death Walking Terror” igniting mosh pits across the theater. Cannibal Corpse’s ability to maintain such intensity and technical proficiency is a testament to their endurance.

As usual, Amon Amarth did not disappoint. Their Viking helmet stage setup, transported the audience to a mythical battlefield. Opening with “The Pursuit of Vikings,” the band immediately captivated the crowd. Frontman Johan Hegg’s commanding voice and charismatic banter with the audience created an inclusive experience. The setlist was a good blend of fan favorites and newer tracks, with highlights including “Twilight of the Thunder God” and “Put Your Back Into the Oar.”My personal favorite wasn’t played but im ok with it, with the amount of songs they have, they can’t hit everything.  Their blend of catchy melodic death metal with epic themes provided a triumphant and fitting conclusion to an unforgettable night.

Overall, the concert was a love letter to the power and diversity of the metal genre. Each band brought their unique sound and energy, creating a dynamic and exhilarating experience for all in attendance.  It’s good to see shows where not everyone has to be a legacy act. This tour shined a light on  the  next wave of Death Metal as well as the Mainstays, and for one night, The Toyota Oakdale Theatre was transformed into a haven for all metalheads.

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