Texas rockers Blacktop Mojo has released their second animated video for their two part compilation series, “Darlin I Won’t Tell”. Created by front-man Matt James and Bassist Catt Murtis on the porch of the band’s house in Palestine, TX, with an acoustic guitar, “Darlin I Won’t Tell” unfolded in Nashville with the help of producer Philip Mosley. The animated video for “Darlin I Won’t Tell” was preceded by “Jealousy / Make Believe” in April.
The band commented:
“From our fourth record, ‘Jealousy/Make Believe’ and ‘Darlin I Won’t Tell’ are sort of a concept album within the album. The three songs flow together as a singular narrative and we wanted to create a striking visual to convey the story. We decided to do something cool that we’ve never done before and make a 3 song animated video to tell this story of heartbreak, murder, and deception.” – Blacktop Mojo
Track List:
- Wicked Woman
- Bed Tundy
- Latex
- Rewind
- Jealousy
- Make Believe (Interlude)
- Darlin’ I Won’t Tell
- Do It for the Money
- Hold Me Down
- Cough
- Stratus Melancholia
- 12.Tail Lights
Purchase / Stream Blacktop Mojo’S Self-Titled Album Online!
Catch Blacktop Mojo Live!
06/18 @ Dirty D’s (Matt & Catt Acoustic) – Baytown, TX *
08/18 @ Northwoods Rock Rally – Glen Flora, WI *
09/10 @ Scorpions MC Annual Pig Roast – South Lyon, MI