Behemoth, by Kenneth Baluba Sporsheim
Earlier this week Nergal announced that Behemoth is in writing mode for their next album, but that’s not all they have planned for 2017. According to his latest update on Instagram, Behemoth will be releasing a live album surrounding The Satanist tour as well. Here’s what he said: “Finally editing some of “THE SATANIST” live material. Goin’ smooth… stay tuned for more details. It’s gonna be THE only release in 2017 that should fill the gap between albums. Busy times ahead my friends.”
Behemoth performed The Satanist in it’s entirety all over the world in the past few years, and it’s no surprise that this show was recorded for an album. The power of the record was truly enhanced by its live energy, and hopefully they will be able to capture that in the audio. Thankfully, Nergal shared a clip of a live recording, and it does just that.
Check out the exciting teaser below!