Bad Wolves Release Video for “Sober”, Tour Starts Next Week

Bad Wolves have released a new music video for their track ‘Sober’, from their 2019 sophomore release N.A.T.I.O.N. (Better Noise Music) The song and video have a powerful message for fans about addiction and recovery. Watch the clip below. The band kicks off a European tour opening for label mates Five Finger Death Punch and also Megadeth starting next week in Europe.

Singer Tommy Vext comments:

“This song was a unique opportunity to talk about addiction not only from the perspective of the addict but also from the perspective of their loved ones,” says Vext. “The message is very different from traditional songs that seem to always perpetuate a mentality of self victimization which is exactly the kind of misguided thinking that perpetuates the mental obsessive side of alcoholism & addiction.

In the end the moral of the story is about holding on to not giving up on ourselves or the people who are trying – who are really, really trying to make and better themselves.”

Vext detailed his own battles with addiction suicide attempts as a result in an interview with Psychology Today Magazine last year. “Because when we are in that state of self-termination it’s so deafening–the only way to break out of it is to have contact with people who literally have it worse and are still hopeful. And that’s the most powerful thing about altruism. It’s the foundation of my recovery and it’s the fabric of everything I do. I think we’re all here for a reason, and we’re all here for a purpose. Some of us have to find our purpose, and sometimes it’s thrust upon us. . . Such is life.” g to them.