Apocalyptica Announces Livestream Crowdfunding Drive for their Upcoming Church Tour 

Apocalyptica will embark on a run dates of churches in their homeland of Finland this month, returning to touring and performing full shows in these sacred, unique spaces. The band has also announced a potential livestream companion to the shows, made possible with crowdfunding. Each show will cost only 13 Euros. See the message from the band, and links to stream or purchase tickets in person. 

Hey guys!


We’ve got something exciting to tell you!


On November 15th we are going to kick off the Matka Mieleen – Kaamoksen Sellot Tour in Finland. This will be a really special series of concerts where we play some of Finland’s most beautiful churches.


Of course – not everyone can make it to Finland for this tour, and tickets are very limited. So we have a proposal: If you guys like, we will record the show in Helsinki and will set up streaming-events in three different time zones for you, to be part of this experience.


In addition to the streams we will host a live Q&A after each stream for everyone to participate in.


Oh – and it’s only 13 euros.


Sounds amazing? It will be!


In order to make this beautiful streaming-event happen, we need your support. Here’ s how it works:


Head here: https://www.eventu.al/campaign/finland/helsinki/apocalyptica/151


-Sign up for a ticket to stream.

-If we can gather enough backers in 30 days, we can set everything in motion to proceed with the preparation to record the concert in Helsinki

-You will only be charged for your ticket if the stream has enough backers and therefore is going to happen

-Share this link with your friends and everyone you think should be part of this unique streaming-event


We need 2000 backers if we want to make this dream a reality. So sign up fast, and get your friends on board too. Remember, you don’t get charged unless we meet our goal!


Help us make it happen for just 13 euros by heading here: https://www.eventu.al/campaign/finland/helsinki/apocalyptica/151


Grab your tickets here: https://www.tiketti.fi/apocalyptica-suomi-lippuja/74817


Note that because of limitations from the COVID pandemic, the tickets are going to be extremely limited with some venues staying at only 50% capacity. Act quickly to be sure to get your tickets before these shows sell out. We want to make sure that dedicated fans like you can get a ticket!


This is going to be a one of a kind experience that will probably never be repeated. Our performances on these shows will have a dimension and sound that is entirely their own.


Take part by grabbing tickets today, right here: https://www.tiketti.fi/apocalyptica-suomi-lippuja/74817


Tour Dates:

15.11.21, FI, Lappeenranta – Lappeen Marian kirkko


16.11.21, FI, Kuopio – Kuopion tuomiokirkko


17.11.21, FI, Joensuu – Joensuun kirkko


18.11.21, FI, Kitee – Kiteen kirkko


19.11.21, FI, Savonlinna – Savonlinnan tuomiokirkko


20.11.21, FI, Mikkeli – Mikkelin tuomiokirkko


21.11.21, FI, Oulu – Oulun tuomiokirkko


22.11.21, FI, Turku – Mikaelin kirkko, Turku


23.11.21, FI, Naantali – Naantalin kirkko


24.11.21, FI, Tampere – Tampereen tuomiokirkko


25.11.21, FI, Pori – Keski-Porin kirkko


26.11.21, FI, Helsinki – Johanneksen kirkko


27.11.21, FI, Porvoo – Porvoon tuomiokirkko


30.11.21, FI, Vantaa – Pyhän Laurin kirkko


01.12.21, FI, Lohja – Lohjan Pyhän Laurin kirkko


02.12.21, FI, Hämeenlinna – Hämeenlinnan kirkko


And again – if you want tickets to this truly special tour – just head here: https://www.tiketti.fi/apocalyptica-suomi-lippuja/74817