A GofundMe campaign has been launched for legendary metal and avantgarde-music vocalist, artist, activist, and author Karyn Crisis (Crisis, Ephel Duath, Gospel of The Witches) to help with the cost of medical treatment for an ongoing illness. The fund was launched by her husband and musical partner Davide Tiso (Ephel Duath). The main post details her illness, and the fact that she is in constant pain and has trouble sleeping, and other complications. While they have raised some money for her ongoing care and treatments, the illness has halted most of her ability to perform, tour, and conduct the workshops she has held all over the world. Karyn is a treasure to the music world, and a legend, so please donate if you can.
Thank you for stopping by,
this is Davide Tiso and we have a dear friend in common that is going through a very hard time.
We are here requesting small, medium or large support for Karyn Crisis who’s been going through the very painful and daily-life altering condition called “topical steroid withdrawal”, a spontaneous full-body purge since March, which has disabled her. For every person who goes through this, there’s no certainty when it will end. It could be in 4 more months, it could be in a year or two.
More on what this is below from Karyn herself:
“Hi everyone,
Thanks for your attention and curiosity.
I’m currently going through a full body healing purge that’s very sci-fi, and this spontaneous healing process is also a miracle: the body fixing itself, righting all the wrongs done by chemical medicines with the eventual outcome of perfectly restored skin and cleansed organs! For now, it really is a body apocalypse.
This healing has changed the way I sleep (can’t sleep in my bed due to intense heat flares and pain, I have to walk with crutches for 5 months now, I’m stuck in my apartment unless I’m assisted out, and my skin is oozing, peeling, swelling, burning and more, so I’ve had to change my relationship to water (ouch) clothes (painful to wear-had to buy all baggy lightweight clothes), can’t wear socks without big bandages, no shoes. I’m able to sleep a bit more now (in the beginning it was just one hour per night due to intense nerve pain and cortisol body shock), so I’ve had to rearrange the way I do all basic functions. I rely on getting my food and supplies delivered because I can’t walk around stores, and I have to use a lot of ice packs. Much of the immense swelling in my face and feet has gone down, but there’s likely still a few months (or more?) of healing to do on other areas which are still painful daily and not at all like skin.
This started in March and full on in April, during which I’ve been in pain daily.
Fortunately, I do have some pain-free hours per day now after 7 months of excruciating daily pain! So I am back to doing a little of my self-employed work, just on a limited basis. All other plans for online workshops, invitations to give in-person workshops and other book plans have all been put on hold because I just don’t have the hours available to use my body. My mind and intuition are in great shape.
I’m grateful for my body’s wisdom in healing me from all these years of medications, but anyone who goes through this faces a lot of uncertainty as to how long it will last.”
Some of you have read Karyn’s recent book “Warrior of Light” where she describes a childhood of eczema and asthma, which is when doctors first prescribed topical steroids and internal ones. Despite these conditions and medicines and their complications, Karyn overcame these and toured with her first band Crisis for 13 years. And, this also drove Karyn’s curiosity in other healing methods such as various Energy Work of various kinds, all of which are helping her to move through phases of this painful healing process. And, Energy Work helped Karyn wean herself off these medicines for years, until an east coast stay pre-pandemic that pushed her asthma to limits and caused her to take the medicines again.
“For fellow Energy Workers out there wondering why I used these medicines: I’ve tried Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Functional Medicine, acupuncture, cleanses, herbal preparations and more…and these were all contraindicated for me…I had issues with all of them. The Energy Work modalities I use, including working on my subconscious, work wonders for me…what I’m going through now is an actual healing: the Body chooses the path, the duration, etc, as it does for all people going through this.”
Any support, small, medium or large is much appreciated! Thank you so much! We need Karyn in full shape: it’s a better world that way.