Richard Patrick is a man with a long and distinguished career in the industrial and alternative rock scene. With his band Filter, he just released a new album, entitled The Sun Comes Out Tonight. The record contains lots of musical references to the band’s early work, which caught our attention. Enough reason to catch up with Mr Patrick and ask him a few questions..
What’s the general idea behind the album title?
Jonathan Radtke and I had a bunch of positive drug experiences when we were younger, both separately and together. I call it gonzo recording. That’s what the title is about.
The new Filter album contains a lot of musical references to older albums, like Short Bus and Title Of Record. What made you decide to revisit those albums for inspiration?
I felt like even on the last record, The Trouble With Angels, I should just stick to the sound I forged between the first two albums because those are my favourite as well..
How did the writing and recording process for The Sun Comes Out Tonight differ from previous experiences? What were you aiming for?
The main difference is the presence of Jonathan Radtke. He is an amazing new talent in this band. He is such a gifted guitar player and song writer, so I could reach for a more complicated style. He is the guitar player I’ve been looking for all this time.
Bob Marlette produced the album once again. What does he bring to the process?
He’s a good producer but an even better music writer. He kept me in touch with the old memories.
The album was written and recorded last year. Did you find it frustrating to sit on new music for so long before you can put out there?
I’m so excited to release our records but we always take the time to make sure we get it right. Because once it’s out… it’s out. Forever. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle.
Originally the album was supposed to be released independently under the name Gurney And The Burning Books. Instead you changed the title and put it out via Wind Up Records. What changed your mind?
That was always a working title. But once we wrote the lyrics, we had to change it.
A couple of years ago you quit drinking and using drugs. How did this influence your songwriting/composing abilities?
Drugs made for some fun experiences but ultimately it was a pain in the neck after a while so I quit. It’s way more fun now. Being wasted was so boring after awhile.
In a recent interview you described Filter as an ongoing project. Care to explain?
We go into a studio and it’s just me and someone else—we’ve always got new people on most records. This album was Jonny and I and a computer. We got some friends to help out with some sounds. If we were a band, it would be a different band.
Stone Temple Pilots are pretty much broken up. Would you consider doing another Army Of Anyone record with the DeLeo brothers?
Army Of Anyone is a sleeping beauty and she won’t wake up for a long time to come..
The touring lifestyle isn’t necessarily healthy. How do you keep yourself in shape both physically and mentally?
Eat right and have a big sense of humour.
Finally,what are the five albums that changed your life forever?
U2 – The Unforgettable Fire
Skinny Puppy – Cleans Fold Manipulate
Pantera – A Vulgar Display Of Power
Pink Floyd – The Wall
Neil Diamond – Hot August Night
Raymond Westland