Maruta – Remain Dystopian


The jury seems to be out on reunited Floridian brutalisers Maruta. First album Forward into Regression (Willowtip) split those who love the energy and crossover of Grind and Metalcore; and those holding the belief that they are a generic, wholly unoriginal band, whose infection of their sound with the latter, much-maligned sub-genre is nought shy of sinful.

In truth there’s more of a chaotic, technically infused Deathcore meets Dillinger Escape Plan about follow-up Remain Dystopian (Relapse); the ferocious staccato of opener ‘Genocide Interval’ involving feverish fretboard work and the twisting, blistering tempos of the rhythm section. The ensuing ‘Hope Smasher’ sees more frantic guitar compete for direction, with drums turning from rapid blastbeats to thunderous groove pounding, Mitchell Luna’s vocals veering between guttural growls and ‘core style screams.

Those jazzy string flurries, reminiscent of Captain Beefheart but with added ferocity, both confuse and thrill, not least in the brief, throttled lead of ‘Minimal Progress’. The sinister, teeth-rattling drops into nothingness of the Tomas Lindberg-graced ‘Stride Endlessly Through Scorched Earth’ is however, one of the rare departures from a delightfully angry but, in its early stages, unflinching set, whilst, of course, enabling those of us who enjoy imitating an epileptic fit when moshing to thoroughly express themselves.

This is also, as the album progresses, much more memorable than many other such efforts due to the creeping influence of other areas of metal: the gravity of the Doom-laden ‘Erode’ and ‘Return to Zero’ being prime examples, the ominous feel sticking like glue to your brain. Largely a pulverising half-hour of primal scream, however, the mix of varying styles is more fully exhibited in the rapid yet resonant pulse of the head-caving ‘Psalm for the Withered’, a track surely to be exploited to the full in a live setting.

Seething with a fulminating ire, yet showing unexpected versatility, there’s enough here to suggest Maruta may stick in the minds this time. If you’re pissed off with parents and / or bullies, but don’t want an ignominious revenge to stick you on the front pages, exercise your frustration with these guys instead.




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Maruta Releasing Remain Dystopian June 2nd, Streaming “Stand In Defeat”


Miami deathgrinders Maruta is streaming “Stand In Defeat,” off of their Relapse Records debut Remain Dystopian, out June 2nd in North America, preceded by May 29th in Germany, Benelux and Finland, and June 1st in the UK and the rest of the planet, below.

Recorded in various studios including drums with Pig Destroyer‘s Scott Hull and vocals with Torche‘s Jonathan Nuñez, Remain Dystopian is a vicious, seventeen-song blast of relentless and infectious deathgrind mayhem. Featuring guest vocals from the legendary Tomas Lindberg (At The Gates, Disfear) and Pig Destroyer‘s J.R. Hayes, plus layers of noise from Agoraphobic Nosebleed‘s Jay Randall, Remain Dystopian raises the bar for what 21st Century grind can accomplish! Seekers of top-tier extreme metal punishment in the tradition of Napalm Death, Nasum, Pig Destroyer, Misery Index, Nails, Discordance Axis and the like should keep Remain Dystopian on their radar as tracks from the record and more are released onto the masses. While you suffer in anticipation for more, Relapse has issued the full info for the album including the cover artwork by Alex Eckman-Lawn, the track listing, preorders, along with the track, “Stand In Defeat.”

Remain Dystopian Track Listing:
01: Genocide Interval
02: Hope Smasher
03: The Void Within
04: Minimal Progress
05: Protocol For Self Immolation
06: Absolutist
07: Stride Endlessly Through Scorched Earth
08: Submergence aka Barren Oceans Of Infinity
09: Erode
10: Stand In Defeat
11: Remnants Of Failed Utopia
12: I, Usurper
13: Durandal
14: Psalm For The Withered
15: Return To Zero
16: Slaying Jehova
17: Immune

Mitchell Luna – vocals
Eduardo Borja – guitar
Mauro Cordoba – guitar
Danny Morris – drums

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