Dethklok – METALOCALYPSE: The Doomstar Requiem – A Klok Opera

klok doomstar reqDethklok is a show/band that you either hate or you love that has never been more apparent than with the release of The Doomstar Requiem – A Klok Opera (BS Records). Brendon Small’s rock opera is something that needs to be seen to be believed. I don’t say that because it is a masterpiece, but because the soundtrack falls flat without our favorite animated metal band’s shenanigans.

The Doomstar Requiemtakes everything great about Metalocalypse, its humor, metal, and kooky hijinks, and tries to turn them into a tale larger than life itself. In doing so, the musical misses the mark. The television show’s toilet humor doesn’t mix well with the sound of a fifty piece orchestra and feels as though it is trying entirely too hard at times. The storyline itself is also nothing to write home about. Time that could have been spent developing it further is instead devoted to elaborate musical numbers. This works out well for a few scenes, most notably the flashback detailing Toki’s guitar duel with Skwisgaar and his subsequent recruitment into the band.

Musically, the album leaves much to be desired. Dethklok is marketed as a metal band and this production is more of a taste of Broadway with some electric guitars thrown in. There are a few interesting riffs that I would have liked to see pan out but it is primarily filled with softer ballads. That’s not necessarily a bad thing in the right context, I was just expecting something decidedly more brutal than what was delivered.

Having the visuals to accompany the music definitely makes the soundtrack far more tolerable than it would be on its own. Listening to The Doomstar Requiem album sans animation is actually pretty boring unless you’ve seen it at least once. I wouldn’t bother with the soundtrack unless you have seen the special a few times and can’t live without it. That being said, the scene featuring the song ‘Partying Around the World’ should be a national treasure.

Stand Alone Soundtrack – 6.5/10

Musical Special – 7/10

Dethklok online

Aleida La Llave


Red Fang – Whales and Leeches


Portland, OR based stoner metal/rock band Red Fang return with their third studio release entitled Whales and Leeches (Relapse) and I honestly can’t stop listening to it. It’s different from their previous releases but that’s part of what makes this album so wonderful.

Our journey begins with ‘Doen’, a song that sports one of the faster tempos on the album. It’s not a bad place to start, the song is catchy and will definitely get your head moving. ‘Doen’ may not be a masterpiece but it’s a solid track and sets the stage for what is to come. However, this is just the beginning, and if you pay close attention, you’ll feel the entire album’s mood change, song by song.

Skipping down to track number seven, we have ‘Dawn Rising’, where listeners are treated to a hauntingly beautiful song featuring Mike Scheidt of YOB fame. It’s sticky, dark, and perhaps even a bit terrifying. That drumming and then that creepy breathing forty seconds in is creepy and fantastic – creeptastic. If I ever get murdered, this is the song I want to be playing when some crime show does a dramatic reenactment of it.

Fans who decide to purchase the deluxe edition get two bonus tracks; ‘Murder the Moutains’ and ‘Black Water’. ‘Black Water’, which isn’t a cover of a Doobie Brothers song like I had originally hoped it would be, is easily my favorite of the two. It’s simply hypnotizing and deserves a special mention.

Whales and Leeches…The more I listen to this album, the more the name fits. The album gets heavier and slower as it progresses. You can almost feel yourself slipping beneath the water’s surface and sinking into the murky depths below as fluid floods your lungs. It’s something you can feel in your gut and in your bones. I love it and can’t wait to lose my mind all over again when my LP gets in. This is a great album for both old and new fans alike, give it a listen and see where it takes you.


Red Fang on Facebook

Aleida La Llave

Wilson – Full Blast Fuckery

Wilson-cover-art-220x220According to legend, or Facebook, Wilson is not an internet band. No, they’re a real band from Detroit. They’re five guys in a van and they’re bringing the party, and their beards, back to your place with their debut album Full Blast Fuckery (Easy Killer/New Damage Records). I keep hearing them get called hard rock but that just doesn’t sit right with me.Continue reading

GWAR-B-QUE Live Report

The Ringleader_ Oderus Urungus of GWAR (1)I survived a twelve hour drive from Massachusetts to Virginia, the B4BQ the previous evening, and taking over the Clarion Central hotel with some of my fellow bohabs. Now, on the morning of August 17th, I found myself wandering around Hadad’s Lake for my first GWAR-B-QUE, also known as the Bohab Family Reunion, since 2010. Although there were plenty of vendors, the lake itself, a pool, and the Spew ‘O’ Lympics, my main focus was the music. This year’s lineup was nothing short of drool worthy featuring Wilson, Kung Fu Dykes, Volture, Loincloth, Cannabis Corpse, Mobile Deathcamp, Battlecross, Warbeast, Corrosion Of Conformity, Municipal Waste, Pig Destroyer, the reunion of the legendary X-Cops after seventeen long years, and, of course, our lords and masters…GWAR!Continue reading