It just hasn’t quite been my Summer, you know? Occasional bouts of depression and frustration and it certainly doesn’t help that it feels like I’ve been trapped in a brazen bull every time I go outside to start the car. But global warming is totally a hoax, kids. That really smart man Ben Shapiro said so and he’s never been wrong about anything. One day he’ll finally solve the great mystery of the female orgasm.
It’s summers like this one that nudge a man to finally reach in the drawer and grab that .38 Special. Old painless. But this being a review I should probably talk to you about some music, in this case, Doldrey’s Only Death is Eternal (Pulverized Records).
Is Death is Eternal the type of album that’ll prevent someone from tasting a bullet? No. Not even remotely close. Silly rabbit, that’s what the booze and the drugs are for.
No, Death is Eternal is just well, fine. There is some blood and fire to be mined here, but for a band that gets referred to as “Death Punk” there is a lot of mid-tempo soundscapes for the listener to twiddle their thumbs to. “Moral Decay” starts with plenty of promise and even some lead guitar work from axeman Raf (last names weren’t provided on the info sheet). Pretty sharp stuff that primes you up for a Nails or Black Breath type of experience.
Then the title track comes along and while it eventually picks up the pace the beats take too long to get into proper mosh gear. Also, Farhan unfortunately may be suffering from Lars Ulrich disorder. For those not in the know, it’s a condition developed by drummers in which kick drum work gets increasingly lazy or worst yet, nonexistent. It is a cruel fate.
Raf’s rhythm is very consistent throughout and I appreciate incorporating leads but a couple of dive bombs at the end of “Societal Machine” really don’t make for an interesting solo. Looking at you too, Kerry King.
So yeah, been a cruel summer. Now excuse me, I have to go talk to my drug dealer.
Buy the album here:
6 / 10