ALBUM REVIEW: Abbath – Dread Reaver

Upon hearing there was a forthcoming third Abbath album about to drop, to say I was excited would be a serious understatement. The first two really kicked some ass but, with that being said I always try to approach every new album I get whether doing a review or not with a completely open mind. I do my best to try and not compare it to anything and just let it stand alone. Dread Reaver (Season of Mist) will definitely stand on its own. 

This album is straight-up blasting Black Metal. If there was a checklist of elements that need to be hit to make a metal album this new cut has them all. The opener ‘Acid Haze’ starts everything off with non-stop brutality. There is not much let-up after that!! There are some really tasty sections as well. I particularly dug the “intro” for ‘Dream Cull’ with some cool acoustic stuff going on. Of course, there are some other nice tidbits added in to bring out the scary and spooky ambience which is always a nice touch.

I also really got into the tonality of the instruments themselves. The guitars are axes in every sense of the idea on this new offering. Words like searing and face-melting just don’t seem to do them justice with the speed and intensity presented. The drums are brutal, simply beating the hell outta everything in earshot, and the vocals are good ol’ Black Metal through and through. Also, there is an awesome Metallica cover thrown in for good measure, ‘Trapped Under Ice’. You know I don’t like to spoil the surprise when it comes to covers, I will say this particular cover adds tremendously to the frostbitten Black Metal contribution presented by Abbath on this go around. Definitely one to add to the collection. 

Dread Reaver will be worth every penny and then some.

Buy the album here:


8 / 10